Senkos vs. Imitations

I recently noticed a HUGE difference between Senkos and some of the various Senko knockoffs. Some people might not notice this or might not care about it, but I wanted to mention it anyway.

Senkos are heavier right out of the package than the Senko imitations. This makes them much easier to cast on heavy line and baitcasting gear and I’m sure it also has some kind of effect on the action of the bait too.

Don’t get me wrong, I have used both and will probably continue to use both genuine Yamamoto Senkos and various imitations, but I do find the real Senkos much easier to cast.

Do the Bass care about this? Obviously not about the difference in weight, but maybe, just maybe they care about the subtle difference in the action of the bait.

Anyway, just a thought.

Now go bag a hawg.


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Bass Still in Pre-Spawn

Bass here in Southern RI still seem to be in pre-spawn mode. The weather these past two weeks has been very erratic and the water temps have not been able to stabilize above the 60 degree mark.

I was out yesterday and saw lots of beds, but they were all empty. Water temps were in the 58 – 59 degree range and the few fish I caught showed no signs of spawning yet.

The full moon was this week, so if the water temps had been higher, the fish probably would have moved in and done their thing in large numbers. With the new moon now less than two weeks away, and Memorial Day knocking on our door, it’s just a matter of time before there is a mass migration to the shallows and spawning bass are everywhere!

Keep an eye on your water temperature gauge and look for fish on their beds soon.

Now go bag a hawg!


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Bass Fishing & Blogging

Welcome to the new Bass Fishing Blog!

Bass fishing here in the northeast united states has been off and on this spring, with some pretty odd weather patterns. April had some really warm weather and some really cold weather, with no in-between!

My season so far has been pretty good, with two second place tournament finishes! I bought a new G3 HP 180 boat this year and have been enjoying breaking it in and getting used to all of it’s features and accessories. I’ll tell you more about the boat as time goes on.

My biggest bass so far this year was just slightly over 4 lbs. It hit a Rat-L-Trap about 5 minutes into my tournament last weekend. Not a bad way to start the day 🙂

More to come later on.

Now go bag a hawg!

Curt <><

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