Entries Tagged ‘Bass Fishing’:

Bass Fishing Tournaments in Danger of Being Stopped in RI.

It seems that some people tried to pull a sneaky move and get bass fishing tournaments in RI all but banned completely. Some unscrupulous people somewhere decided that bass fishermen, specifically tournament bass fishermen, should not be allowed to hold tournaments between the hours of 12 Noon and 8 PM. What does this mean for […]

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Water Temps Stuck in the 60’s!

It’s hard to believe that the water temps can’t seem to break the 70 degree mark and stay there!! I fished at Indian lake tonight and the water temperature was still only 65 – 67 degrees. That’s pretty incredible for the first week of June. I fished at Glasgo Pond two days ago and the […]

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Bass Still in Pre-Spawn

Bass here in Southern RI still seem to be in pre-spawn mode. The weather these past two weeks has been very erratic and the water temps have not been able to stabilize above the 60 degree mark. I was out yesterday and saw lots of beds, but they were all empty. Water temps were in […]

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